Biden attempts to console and demonstrate he’s taken action as he witnesses tragedy in Hawaii first

Biden attempts to console and demonstrate he’s taken action as he witnesses tragedy in Hawaii first

President Joe Biden flew over the ashen remains of Lahaina in Marine One on Monday looking for more than a birdseye view of the devastation . Hundreds of people still unaccounted for the full scope of the losses arent fully known . Underneath the praise and vows to provide Maui whatever it needs are the difficult questions about how it happened in the first place . The absence of any warning sirens an invasion of nonnative plants on private land and malfunctioning electric grids have all emerged as potential factors that allowed the fire to become the deadliest in over a century . Many questions about what happened are paired with skepticism over what will be done next block of land will be snatched by wealthy developers . Even as he vowed any rebuilding would be done the way you want it to be done in the way it would be, he cant be done . As he returned to the airport after spending more than an hour in a gymnasium on the westward side of Maui, a man held a sign saying ‘protect our word for land for the land for land’ and a man said only a word for the word ‘Protect our word’ for land . The signs of animosity are only a sign for the community. A man holding a sign that read ‘protecting our word. Defend our word . A man held the sign for a man holding the word for a word. No sign for . No sign of the word. A word for . protecting the word . for the sign. No word for no word for. protecting the sign . for a sign. for a . No word about the word about a word . No comment for the words. No comment. for the . word. for . the word’ for a person’


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