President Joe Biden will sign an executive order Friday amending the Uniform Code of Military Justice by transferring key decisionmaking authorities outside the military chain of command in cases of sexual assault domestic violence child abuse murder and other serious crimes . The changes represent the most significant transformation of the military justice system since the UCMJ was established in . Key among them is the establishment of rules to govern the newly formed Offices of Special Trial Counsel OSTC which composed of a panel of independent military prosecutors would make prosecutorial decisions involving sexual assault and other violent crimes . Under the NDAA the new changes are set to take effect by December but per the administration official the new rules have already been established within the Department of Defense and is in the process of staffing up . The new rules will also update procedures the administration says will ensure protections for victims before during and after court martial proceedings and alter the courtmartial sentencing system to promote uniformity and fairness . The change comes two years after an independent review commission on sexual assault in the military has published recommendations to move prosecution of military sexual assault to the military system in the past two years to move away from the chain ofcommand in order to be taken effect by the end of this year’s fiscal year on December 1, 2015 . The order will take effect on December 3, 2015. The changes are expected to take place on December 2, 2015, however, by October 1, 2014. The new changes will take place in December 2015, 2015 and 2015, according to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2014, 2013. The change is expected to come back into effect on September 1, 2013, however. The National Defense Council of the National Security Council of Defense. The Department of National Security Services of State of Defense of Defense
Biden to sign executive order moving prosecution of military sexual assault outside chain of command . Biden