House Oversight Republicans laid out their intention to accuse President Joe Biden of corruption even without direct evidence that he financially benefited from Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings . The new strategy is highlighted in a memo released by the committee on Wednesday . The memo follows the increasing drumbeat from many House Republicans and certainly the GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump to pursue impeachment of the sitting president even without a clear establishment of facts . The White House has long maintained that Comers investigation is designed for political purposes as it has yet to find any evidence that Joe Biden profited from his sons business dealings or if Hunter Bidens entanglements influenced his decisionmaking . The only evidence Oversight Republicans mention that indirectly connects Joe Biden to his sons . dealings are a and dinner that he attended with Hunter Biden and some of his foreign business associates at Caf Milano and that he visited Ukraine as vice president . The committee has not found any direct evidence . Hunter Biden has not been charged or convicted of accepting bribes at this point . President Biden has denied being involved in any of his . business dealings at this time . But Hunter Biden is expected to appear before a federal judge Wednesday July to plead guilty to two tax crimes and admit to possessing a gun as a drug user in a deal with the Justice Department that is likely going to spare him time behind bars . Republicans are now insisting they don’t have to . prosecute . The top Democrat on the Oversight Committee said Republicans have repeatedly twisted and mischaracterized the evidence . Republicans have failed to explain why they don’t have to explain the evidence. Hunter Biden’s business associate Devon Archer testified last week that Hunter gave to the Oversight committee’ s . to the Committee’. to say he was not aware of any wrongdoing by Joe Biden
House Oversight GOP claims they don’t need to find direct payments to Joe Biden to prove