Kimberly MataRubio the mother of Lexi Rubio one of the victims of the Uvalde school shooting is running to be the mayor of the Texas city she announced Thursday . She is looking to succeed Mayor Don McLaughlin who is stepping down after nearly years leading the city about miles west of San Antonio to pursue a state House seat . A special election for the remainder of McLaughlins term will take place November the city announced Wednesday . Lexi was among fourth graders and two teachers who were fatally shot inside Robb Elementary School in May . Since the mass shooting officials have given shifting and contradicting narratives about the police response to the incident and many questions remain over why it took more than an hour from the gunman entering the school to him being killed by law enforcement . Candidates have until September to file for the mayoral special election . Former Mayor Cody Smith is seeking to once again lead the city according to the UValde LeaderNews. The city hadnt received any applications as of Thursday afternoon as of . Thursday afternoon the city had received no applications for the election as of Friday afternoon but had not yet received any information about the . candidates . Former Uvald Mayor Cody . Smith is looking for a new mayor to run the city . to be a new candidate for the special election in November . The city has not received any candidates since September . The mayor has until October 31 to file to run for a special election. For more information, please contact The UValdalde County (512/201/201201/01/ . For confidential support, call the Samaritans on 1-800-273-8255 or click
Mother of Uvalde school shooting victim is running to be the city’s mayor .