Justice Samuel Alito said in an interview published by The Wall Street Journal editorial page that Congress did not create the Supreme Court . Senate Democrats have advanced legislation meant to create a code of ethics for the high court . Alito compared any effort to defy the court on a vast scale to objections in the South after major civil rights cases in the s including Brown v. Board of Education which declared separate but equal was unconstitutional was unconstitutional . Justice Alito last month sought to preempt a ProPublica report on him by publishing a Wall St. Journal oped rather than responding to ProPublicas request for comment directly . He said he marvels at all the nonsense that has been written about me in the last year . He has said he realized that nobodys going to defend him if he didn’t do so himself if he wasn’t going to do it himself. He said the traditional idea about how judges and justices should behave is they should be mute. But thats just not happening he said. And so at a certain point Ive said to myself nobody else is going to go this so I have to defend myself. The justice compared any criticism of the courts recent decisions such as Alitos majority opinion striking down Roe v. Wade last year to the courts recently to the Journal . He compared it to a revival of the massive resistance that occurred in the Southerners after Brown v . Board ofEducation which declared separately but unequal was unconstitutional. If you were viewed as illegitimate then disregard of our decisions became more acceptable and more popular. If were viewed to be viewed as illegal. If are seen as illegitimate. If viewed as unacceptable. If seen as unacceptable then disregard. If was viewed as unlawful. If . viewed as legitimate then disregard for our decisions
Samuel Alito tells Congress to stay out of Supreme Court ethics controversy controversy . Samuel Al