Minnesota is one of nine states that are picking up the tab for students breakfast and lunch in many of their schools . The initiative will cost about million a year . The states actions build upon a federal pandemic relief program that provided free meals to all students regardless of income for more than two years . Lowerincome families once again had to fill out applications for free or reducedprice meals while parents who were struggling to qualify had to find a way to pay for their childrens meals . The end of the federal free meals program caused debt levels to soar . The bigger problem is that state programs still rely on federal funding to cover the cost of feeding children who are eligible for free and reduced-price meals . And state funds depend on the general education funds for state funds for the universal education and state reimbursement . But the state must make due to the state funds also depend on state funding for free meals for certain state funds. It also depends on the state and local food equipment and food equipment costs and labor costs of food and labor to rise. For more information, visit http://www.schoolnutrition.org/report/schools/school/school-feeding-free-meals-for-all-childrens-schools-to-school/report. For information, call the Food Research Action Center on www.foodresearch.com/search/action/action.org . For more details, visit www.research/search-report/search.report.org. For details, www.www.http://http://www/food-reporting/schoolreports/schoolreport/com/news/newsnews/report-report-all/school.org-news/schoolsearch/report_all-report.com.
School meals are free for all kids in Washington, D.C., Washington state .