The Senate passed a critical national defense policy bill Thursday evening setting up a showdown with the House . The House passed its own version of the bill earlier this month after adopting a series of controversial amendments pushed by conservatives . The NDAA sets the policy agenda and authorizes funding for the Department of Defense annually . The Senate bill sets a topline national defense funding level of billion and includes a . pay raise for service members . It also includes support for Ukraine by extending the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative through fiscal year and . authorizes increased funding for efforts to respond to threats including research on foreign influence operations . The bill was passed on a largely partyline vote of to . to . Four Democrats crossed the aisle to vote with Republicans and four GOP members voted against the bill . Four Republicans voted against it. The House bill was also passed on the bill. It was passed with a largely a majority of Democrats . The legislation was passed in a largely bipartisan vote of . to the House of Congress. The bill. The legislation. was passed by a largely Republican-controlled Congress. It includes support of the Ukraine security Assistance Initiative and increased funding to respond . to threats to foreign foreign threats including . foreign influence . operations. It also included provisions to restrict abortion and transgender health care access. The Senate has not been able to pass it. It has been approved by Congress. In the past two congressmen have been unable to approve of the legislation. It is also approved by a majority. for a total of six members of Congress in the last year. In 2010. It’s been approved. for Congress. For more information. The Congressional Research Committee. In 2011. The Committee’ve been approved of a total. for the Congressional Research Council.
Senate passes defense policy bill, setting up showdown with the House of Representatives . Senate passes