Women in Army Special Operations study found discriminatory and sexist barriers to fully integrating into the special operations community . Nearly all female soldiers in ARSOF are equipped with poorfitting body armor an issue that has plagued female service members for years . Less than of special operations forces are women according to a Government Accountability Office report released this year . Study found that of women say gender bias in the workplace is a problem and that sexist comments made by male respondents to the survey represented a common sentiment . One senior noncommissioned officer is quoted in the survey saying that women going to special operations units are looking for a husband boyfriend or attention. Another said that he dreads the day a woman arrives on a team and I hope I am retired by the time that happens. Lt. Gen. Jonathan Braga said there are fewer than female Green Berets and they are making a fantastic difference and changing peoples minds with how impressive they are. And I couldnt be prouder of them. The study outlines a number of specific challenges it displayed a clear divide overall in how men and women in ArSOF units perceived some of the challenges women are facing . Women participating in the study also agreed that they agreed that the standards to be lowered for women to be put into positions simply because theyre . But nearly half of men believed women would be easier to be seen as competent or to be . But theyre not believed to be easier for women. Women participated in the report. They agreed that women. The research was inconclusive. It also found that they were not comfortable. It revealed that they believed that they would be easy to prove themselves. It found that men and females. The findings were inconclusive and that they are not comfortable with the challenges. They
Study reveals persistent sexism toward women serving in US Army Special Operations Forces . Study finds persistent