Approval ratings of the US Supreme Court remain at record low levels and Americans are closely divided on Justice Clarence Thomas as the court continues to issue controversial opinions and is hit with criticism about ethics standards . The courts current approval rating remains steady but reflects unhappiness about the courts actions to eliminate the nationwide right to abortion . The poll also reflects that Americans views of Thomas the courts longest serving member who has been embroiled in ethics disputes are divided with viewing him positively negatively negatively and with no opinion . It has been eight years since Gallup last measured opinions of Chief Justice John Roberts and years for Thomas and the numbers have changed significantly . According to the poll opinions of both men differ sharply according to political party. Republicans are slightly more positive toward Thomas than they are toward Roberts with a favorable rating while Democrats are much more critical of him with views of him in an unfavorable light . The results have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus percentage points. of Republicans versus of Democrats approve of the job the court is doing as do of independents. The results were released on July using live telephone interviewers to contact both landlines and cell phones and cell phone interviewers using both landline and phone lines . Back in September the first year in which Gallup measured opinions the court had a approval rating on average have approved of the Supreme Court. Back in 2009 the first . year the court. of Americans had no opinion of the high court had no approval of the court was in September of Americans. Back In September the court ruled in September for the court’s appeal of the appeal. Back to the back in September. The poll. Back of September the appeal of . Americans had an average of Americans have no opinion in 2009 and it has a margin to the front of
Supreme Court approval ratings at record lows, new Gallup poll shows . Supreme Court’s approval