Some see the fall of Roe v. Wade as a onetime chance to ban abortion entirely while others are worried about the political consequences of pushing too hard too quickly . Leading antiabortion groups are offering candidates conflicting guidance on an issue that has galvanized the political right for half a century . Candidates are cautiously navigating the unclear expectations of conservative voters as they search for their first presidential nominee in a postRoe America . Recent polling shows Republican voters arent providing candidates much more clarity . Whoever is the GOP nominee will face an electorate that has so far handed antiabortion advocates a series of stinging defeats since the Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson last summer . The enthusiasm displayed by abortionrights activists in the past months will be tested again on Tuesday when Ohioans will decide whether to raise the threshold for passing a constitutional amendment a referendum a referendum that would have significant implications for a fall ballot question about the fall ballot ballot question . In November Michiganders at the ballot box enshrined abortion access in the state constitution. This week in Wisconsin liberal justice Janet Protasiewicz started her term on the state Supreme Court . In Wisconsin liberal Justice Janet ProtAsiewicz started a spring race after winning a spring election in Wisconsin . In 2010. In November. In 2011. In 2012. In 2002. In 2004. In 2006. In 2007. In 1996. In 1998. In 2005. In 2000. In 2008. In 1999. In 2003. In 2010 . In 2002 . In 2005 . In 2007 . In 2004 . In 2000 . In 2006 . In 1999 . In 1998 . In 2008 . In 2003 . In 2001. In Florida . In Tennessee . In 1995. In Tennessee. In 2001 . In 2011 . In Florida. Florida . The
The anti-abortion movement is fractured over what it wants from its first post-R