US officials search for hidden Chinese malware that could affect military operations . New York Times:

US officials search for hidden Chinese malware that could affect military operations . New York Times:

Malware hidden inside networks controlling power grids communications systems and water supplies that feed military bases . The discovery has heightened concerns that hackers could disrupt US military operations in the event of a conflict . Last week the email account of US Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns was hacked three US officials familiar with the matter told the New York Times . Earlier this month Microsoft and the White House confirmed that Chinabased hackers breached email accounts at two dozen organizations including some federal agencies . US officials have consistently labeled China as the most advanced of US adversaries in cyberspace a domain that has repeatedly been a source of bilateral tension in recent years . The FBI has said Beijing has a larger hacking program than all other governments combined . US Secretary of State Antony Blinken raised the hacking incidents in a meeting with a top Chinese diplomat in Indonesia earlier this month a senior State Department official told the State Department earlier this week . The official would not get into the specifics of the hack incident with the State Dept. official said . The U.S. official would be willing to take appropriate action to hold those responsible accountable for those responsible for the hack incidents against Chinese governments accountable for any US government companies that may be affected by the hackers . The malware revelations echo a pattern of recent breaches by Chinabassed hackers previously reported by the U.N. officials. The FBI said. It has said the malware was a ‘tongue time bomb that could allow for the hackers to be identified by the Chinese government to be a significant number of American citizens. The malware is a significant amount of time to be used by the United States’s intelligence agencies. It is a ‘tongues.’. It’ll be a “tongued time bomb’


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