US State Department orders the departure of nonemergency personnel from Haiti . The order follows a travel advisory from the US Embassy in Haiti on Thursday advising US nationals to leave the country immediately using commercial transportation . The Department of State warned of a high threat of violent crime and kidnapping throughout PortauPrince . The U.S. government is extremely limited in its ability to provide emergency services to US citizens in Haiti it continued . The most recent violent clashes have particularly affected the neighborhoods of Vivy Michel Tabarre Torcel Tapage and Trutier . The US government is severely constrained in its capacity to provide services to the US citizens, the State Department said in a statement on its travel advisory issued on Thursday . It added that the most recent armed clashes between gangs and the police in the city are particularly affecting the neighborhoods VivyMichel Tabarre Tabarre Torcel Tabarrette and Trutsier .Comments to the State Dept. in Haiti are being published by the US embassy in PortauPrincesses, Share your photos with us on Facebook and Twitter / / /komienier/kimienier . Share your best photos of the latest photos of your best shots of the best of the photos.kiminienier, report your best of these photos. Share your favorite of the snapshots of the worst of the most of the recent snapshots of this month. Share photos of our best of this . Share photos of this photo of the photo of your snapshots of your favorite from the best. iReport/’s favorite of this story.
US State Department orders departure of non-emergency personnel from Haiti . US State Dept