Ben Affleck is starting a new film studio of his own with Matt Damon. He shared his take on Netflix’s approach to moviemaking, which he likened to an “assembly line” Affleck acknowledged that “there’s (a) bigger audience for action movies than there is for small dramas. I get that. But let’s do a good one, let’s surprise the audience, let’t make them care about it””Argo” star also said that if you ask Netflix co-CEO and chairman Reed Hastings about their ambitious approach of making 50 great movies, “he’d say, ‘Hey, we went for quantity to establish a footprint.’ I’m sure there’s wisdom in that and I’mSure they had a great strategy, but I would have said ‘How are we going to make 50 great films a year? How is that possible?’ There’s no committee big enough. There aren’t enough – you just can’t do it.””There’s no (movie) that’s going to be as good as “Argo,” Affleck said of his new project, which is a drama about the beginnings of Nike’s Air Jordan sneaker brand. The film stars Damon as the executive who landed the endorsement deal for the shoe with Chicago Bulls superstar Michael Jordan. It is being branded as a creator-led studio, Affleck and company hope to reimagine the relationships between studios, artists and crews working in the industry. It already has a first project in production – a yet-to-be-titled drama about Nike’s incredibly popular Air Jordan brand. It will be written and directed by Affleck, with Damon playing the executive in charge of the shoe’s endorsement deal with the Chicago Bulls. The movie is set to be released in spring 2015, with a release date to be announced later this year or early next year. The actor, producer and director is also co-founder of RedBird Capital Partners, which owns the rights to “The Godfather” and “Jurassic Park” films. He also has a co-founded a hedge fund called Redbird Capital Partners that invests in hedge funds and hedge funds. The company also owns a stake in the New York Times 2022 DealBook Conference, which will be held in New York City in January. It’s being called the “New York Times 22nd Annual DealBook conference” The conference is being held at New York’s New York Hotel and Convention Center, and will be attended by more than 1,000 people from around the world. The conference will also be held at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in June and July of this year, as well as in London, Switzerland and Paris, France. The event will be co-hosted by the London Film Festival and the European Film Festival in July and August. The first event will take place at the London Hotel and Conference Center in London in September and August of next year, and it will be followed by the Cannes Film Festival.
Ben Affleck has said Netflix’s ‘assembly line’ approach to making quality films is ‘an impossible job’.