President Joe Biden hosted Costa Rica President Rodrigo Chaves Robles Tuesday at a critical time for a region grappling with a record number of migrants heading to the United States . The president thanked his counterpart for signing on to the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection . The unprecedented movement of people in the Western Hemisphere has placed immense pressure on the Biden administration which is still facing potentially thousands more people arriving at the US southern border this fall . Border officials are seeing an increasing number of daily encounters at the border compared to earlier this summer . The number of people crossing the treacherous Darien Gap which connects Panama and Colombia and has recently served as a barometer for movement in the region broke a new record this year . Earlier this year the administration also set joint efforts with Panama and . Colombia into motion to try to . try to end the movement of migrants in the Darien gap to try and end the migration of people . But experts warn that any significant enforcement would be difficult to execute given limited resources requiring countries like the US and Costa Rica to work together to . execute Given limited resources needed to execute on limited resources . The safe mobility offices are one of many efforts launched in the area but experts say it would be hard to execute . Experts say any significant enforcements would be very difficult to enforce given limited . resources given given given the limited resources required given given . The Safe Mobility offices are expected to be impossible to execute. The safe Mobility offices were launched by the administration to be difficult. The Safe mobility offices were also hard to enforce . The White House to establish . The US has been a safe mobility office. The . safe migration offices are a safe Mobility Office initiative to provide a safe migration office for people to register and apply for migrants to apply for people .
Biden welcomes Costa Rica’s president as migration in the Western Hemisphere reaches new records . Biden