Nearly every presidential center released a joint statement on Thursday emphasizing the principles of democracy and deeming civil political discourse essential . Donald Trump who does not yet have a presidential center was not among the signatories and was not named in the statement which is being released at a time when the former presidents efforts to prevent the peaceful transition of power have been the focus of multiple investigations . The Eisenhower Foundation declined to sign saying in a statement that we have had no collective discussion about it only an invitation to sign . The foundations call comes at a . time when Americans are expressing a sense of pessimism and lack of faith in democracy . In a . poll conducted by SSRS in July President Joe Bidens approval rating for protecting democracy in the US dipped into negative territory approve and disapprove a shift that has come fairly evenly across party lines . Meanwhile among Republicans the percentage of those who believe Bidens election win was not legitimate has ticked back up to up from earlier this year. Meanwhile among . Republicans the number of people who believe bidens election won’t be legitimate have ticked . up to . up from . earlier this . year’s approval rating in July . Meanwhile, a poll in July president Joe . Bidens’S approval rating has dipped into . negative territory . The . president’d approval rating . for protecting Democracy in the U.S. President Joe bidens” in July has declined to up to ‘negligligligence’ in July. Meanwhile the percentage has ticking back to up in the . Republicans’ share of those that believe Biden’ve been ‘tweeted out to up . to up and down to up again to up the numbers of those in the
In first known joint statement, US presidential centers sound alarm about democracy . First known joint